Saturday, February 13, 2016

Let Your Desire for Growth be Greater than Your Fear of the Pain

As I mentioned in my earlier post about our "Next" conference, most all of us as Christians have 'stuff' to work out and work on, in order to press ahead for God has for us next.

And I just kept thinking of this video that Anthony Evans shared a few weeks ago. He's basically saying that he's been learning the same thing in his walk and surprisingly enough, his is the very same issue as most of the women at the conference confessed as holding them back: fear.

Once I got back from the conference, I went back to this video and watched it several more times. Then, finally just wrote it down to keep posted where I can be reminded of it and encouraged by it on a regular basis.

Things have to change.
I want the change.
My desire for growth is getting bigger than my fear of the pain of what growth looks like.
I love my comfort zone.
But, I'm not going anywhere.
I'm not growing.
The only way I'm gonna grow is if my desire for growth is bigger than my fear of the pain.
I'm facing things head-on and as I face them, what happens on the other side is so much greater than the fear.
This fear of pain has kept me from growth.
Fear and avoidance and comfort zones will never outweigh the reward you will feel on the other side of pushing through your pain.
Push through whatever you're afraid of facing and let your desire for growth be greater than your fear of the pain.

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